Shakespeare - Semester 1
Where are you on your Race to Royalty?
Are you still a Peasant? Have you made it to Knight? Are you a Baron or Baroness, or have you made it Prince or Princess? Did you make it to King or Queen? Is your ambition set for Emperor or Empress?
King/Queen: High King Eli
Prince/Princess: Prince Cooper
Marquess/Marchioness: Marquess Spencer
Commoner: Angel, Julianna
Peasant: Ada, Aliyah, Bailey, Caitlyn, Harrison, MacKenzie, Maddie, Seth, Zeke
The Queens Challenge: The Ten Steps
Read the chosen tragedy and discuss it in class
Hand in your completed Vocabulary List
Make it at least to Marquess or Marchioness (7 plays) in the Race to Royalty (Recommended Plays to Watch or you can listen to them from Libravox.org)
Participate in the Shakespeare Parents Fair
Participate in the Spring Performance
Turn in your Personal Vocabulary List & the completed Common Old English Terms List
Pass off the Iambic Pentameter
Make a 10-15 minute Presentation on an Elizabethan Era Topic
Recite from memory the Soliloquy
Turn in 7 Opinion Papers and a Summary of Merchant of Venice
THE TRAGEDY Reading & Writing Inspirements
September 27th - Read: Act I, Scene 1. Be ready for colloquium with a discussion question or two.
Opinion Paper: What is the purpose of words? Do they have power?
Bonus Question: Give two important facts about Verona.
Presentation on by
October 4th - Read: Act I, Scenes 2-3. Be ready for colloquium with a discussion question or two.
Opinion Paper: Are elderly people wiser than young people? Explain and give examples.
Bonus Question: What is the role of the nurse in the play?
Presentation on by
October 11th - Read: Act I, Scenes 4-5. Be ready for colloquium with a discussion question or two.
Opinion Paper: What is friendship? Explain.
Bonus Question: How many words did Shakespeare add to the English language?
Presentations on "A Man's Home is His Castle" by Vinny AND "Mental Illness & Retardation" by Harrison
October 18th - Read: Act II, Scenes 1-3. Be ready for colloquium with a discussion question or two.
Opinion Paper: What is love? Is there a difference between love and friendship?
Bonus Question: What is a friar?
Presentation on "God, Religion, & Superstition" by Ada
October 25th - Read: Act II, Scenes 4-6. Be ready for colloquium with a discussion question or two.
Opinion Paper: Is it okay to do things without telling your parent or guardian? Explain.
Bonus Question: Where does the name Romeo originate?
Presentations on "Mysticism & Animals" by Zeke
November 1st - Read: Act III, Scenes 1-2. Be ready for colloquium with a discussion question or two.
Opinion Paper: List all the characters in the play and describe their relationship to Romeo.
Bonus Question: Which other play of Shakespeare's contains the story of Romeo & Juliet?
Presentations on "All in a Day's Work - Professions of the Time" by Will AND "What Did People Wear?" by Maddie
November 8th - Read: Act III, Scenes 3-5. Be ready for colloquium with a discussion question or two.
Opinion Paper: What is the definition of consequences? Do all choices have consequences? Explain. OR What is
mercy? When would you need mercy in your life?
Bonus Question: Who is the most famous Shakespeare actor you know?
Presentations on "Roles of the Sexes" by Cooper
November 15th - Read: Act IV, Scenes 1-3. Be ready for colloquium with a discussion question or two.
Opinion Paper: Is death ever a solution to problems? Why or why not?
Bonus Question: What modern day movie is patterned after the Romeo & Juliet story?
Presentations on "Witches, Fairies, & Things That Go Bump in the Night" by Seth AND "What the Heck is a Fork?" by
November 29th - Read: Act IV, Scenes 4-5. Be ready for colloquium with a discussion question or two.
Opinion Paper: Write a report on a mythological character.
Bonus Question: How long does it take for a body to completely decompose?
Presentations on by
December 6th - Read: Act V. Be ready for colloquium with a discussion question or two.
Opinion Paper: Write a summary of the play.
Bonus Question: What is your opinion of the play?
Presentation on "The Life of Queen Elizabeth" by Bailey AND "Who Gets an Education & Why" by Aliyah
December 13th - Read: No Readings this week, but still have papers. Be ready for colloquium with a discussion question or two.
Opinion Paper: What lessons do you hope the remaining characters will learn because of what happened to Romeo
& Juliet?
Bonus Question: When would it be right to go against authority?
Presentation on by
Semester 2 Begins for Shakespeare on January 3rd - See Semester 2 for Details...